2ndgirls.blogspot.com - "Hey, stop posting pictures of yourself."
Pann: TOP gives an advice on CL's Instagram
1. [+155, -1] Is TOP in the position to be telling her that? ㅋㅋ
2. [+95, -0] Crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+74, -0] Ah Bingu ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+65, -0] Is he really going to be 30 next year... ㅋㅋ

Q) Honestly, you know you're cute A) Yeah... ㅎㅎㅎ
5. [+40, -0] TOP oppa is also spamming on Instagram ㅋㅋ I keep getting notifications
6. [+37, -0] TOP-ssi... it's better now but he used to post so many pictures of furniture and food. I was wondering why I was following a furniture company but it was TOP ㅋㅋ
7. [+32, -0] TOP should stop first... All I see is TOP's pictures when I'm on Instagram
8. [+31, -0] I unfollowed TOP because he spammed on Instagram
other source : http://viva.co.id, http://google.com, http://kpopkfans.blogspot.com
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